In these days, it’s important to make various relationships with many people and make the relationship to be deeper and longer. People consider managing their relationship with other people as important ability in these days than old days. Kyunglim Park who is celebrity in Korea published her essay about social networking and became bestseller in Korea because she is known as one of people who have far-reaching relationship with various status people and people want to know how she makes and manages her relationship.(when she got marry, 5000 visitor attended her wedding!)
Many people want to control their social networking more efficiently and especially the social networking based on internet makes easier to manage their networking. By one click, you can send email easily to everyone on your list. In addition, social networking based on internet reduced the effort to find information because people own the information about anything in common on the internet.
When I was in Korea, I was looking for an apartment to live in Washington and then someone let me know the site, cragslist. Suddenly I wondered how I can be sure the fact is true or not so I couldn’t trust the information about apartment.
This is problem! We can’t trust the information on the internet and always doubt the opinions what you are looking for. Furthermore, the strength of social relationship is much weaker than real society relationship. When I receive the email, we can immediately distinguish this email thought about me or just send email for people on the list. On the internet, people always distrust the information and their relationship so it’s difficult to build and maintain the trust among the people. However, I think it’s unavoidable the lack of trust on the internet because people can’t personally meet each other. For these reason, to solve the problem about the trust on the internet which is another society in web 2.0 ages needs the regulation about the information and effort among people without infringement of one's freedom.
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